Robotiada is an international robotic competition and a robotic day in Brno (Czech republic). Up to 4 members in teams aged 0 - 19. We compete in 7 disciplines - autonomous Line follower; autonomous or remote-controlled "rescue" of a bear; Drag Race (LEGO and NeLEGO); Freestyle and for our smallest robotics Freestyle WeDo. No registration fee. Most competitions are based on Lego Mindstorms. The Robotiada is organized by Dům dětí a mládeže Brno, Helceletova.. You are welcome on February 24, 2023 in VIDA! Science Centre in Brno.
In cooperation with VIDA! The Science Center is Robotiada a part of a two-day robotic event (February 24 - 25, 2023) - VIDA Robots. The first day is a competition that is open to the public and the second day everyone should try not only the competition robots for their own skin, but you can build your own robot.
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